C2: Open FUE portal and transparency

Component 2: Open FUE Portal and transparency aims to develop a new open government portal for the six municipalities and the Cabildo of Fuerteventura which is based on three pillars:

  •     Transparency.
  •     Citizen participation.
  •     Open Data.

Thus, for each of the Island Administrations a Transparency Portal has been developed where the citizen can access in a clear, structured and understandable way to all the public information of the entity subject to the transparency obligations required by the current Transparency Law (Law 19/2013), as well as, to the corresponding Canary Law of Transparency (Law 12/2014, of December 26, on transparency and access to public information).

Similarly, each of the Island Administrations has a Citizen Participation Portal that will facilitate the right of citizens to actively participate in shaping public policies, allowing the administration to benefit from their knowledge and experience.

The Open Data Portal brings together in a single point all the public data that the administrations make freely and openly available to citizens and companies for reuse and distribution.

Access to this set of tools is through the Open Government Portal where you can also find current content (news, events, blog) related to these matters.